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About Me

My name is Ellie Reyna, and I am currently a student at Duke University. When I was a younger girl, my mother regularly reminded me to avoid situations that involved speaking poorly of others and to habitually put myself in the perspective, or “shoes”,  of others when I could not understand the intentions behind their actions. At the time, I was not focused on the value this advice had. Instead, I was more concerned with the circumstances directly involving myself (i.e. family life, schoolwork, and friends) to develop a genuine understanding of these simple yet notable words. Even though this younger version of myself had such principles rooted in her mind and heart, it was not until I reached high school that such virtues became prominent in my life. These values that my mother so persistently raised me to practice seemed to come out one school day: I was in a clear earshot of two boys who were speaking derogatorily about another girl about my age. They were calling her names and making hurtful comments about her appearance. I did not know this girl or these boys, nor did I have anything to do with the conversation. However, I felt angry and distraught that anyone could ever utter such words so casually with zero consideration of how this individual being spoken about might feel in their everyday life. I felt the need to create an awareness of the power that words and actions, no matter how small or large, can have on an individual. Thus, why I decided to create this platform for others to learn from. I  have since carried principles of kindness, compassion, and empathy in my life more prominently, and I hope to spread this message with all who choose to listen.

About: About

Special thanks to Sharon S. Greenway for helping me bring this idea to life!

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